Women’s bodybuilding @ Rockpit

Posted on 23rd October 2014

Rockpit Fitness have been known in the past as a ‘men only’ gym.  This couldn’t be further from the truth!  Rockpit has always welcomed female members and now has over 100 women who train regularly at Lisburn’s Number One Gym!

Our very own personal trainer  – Jenni Kyle is a true inspiration when it comes to females who have swapped unhealthy eating habits for lifting weights.  Jenni was filmed recently by UTV for an article on females training and you can watch the video below:

Robert Campbell had this to say:

“Women are realising that lifting weights is now the way forward – you aren’t going to get big and bulky lifting barbells and dumbbells and that doing cardio all day long isn’t going to tone and tighten muscles, resistance training is and that’s the key.”

Jenni is competing in the WBFF, London next month – we wish her the best of luck, bring it home for Rockpit!

Read the full article here: http://www.u.tv/News/Womens-bodybuilding-takes-off-in-NI/

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