Terri Keith - Rockpit changed my life

Terri Keith – Rockpit Changed My Life

Posted on 12th November 2014

Terri Keith has been training Rockpit for just over a year and it has completely transformed her life in more ways than you might think. Below is a special guest blog post by Terri herself.

I started Rockpit Gym with my Coach Phil Graham in October last year after losing a lot of weight. When I first went for my consultation I was in a really bad place just out of hospital and unable to speak. Due to being malnourished and over trained I had put excessive strain on my organs which were all severely damaged, I was unable to speak for nearly 1 year, my thyroid was not functioning correctly, I had poor bone density resulting in cracked ribs just by brushing past machinery, and I barely had any white blood cells making my immune system non existent.

As a result of this my Coach made me take a complete break from training and basically re-fed me. Through time I noticed I had a lot more energy, my skin and eyes were brighter and I could get about more! Around Christmas time I started to train in Rockpit. When I first started it was mainly metabolic circuits and bodyweight exercises due to me being so weak and to me this was frustrating. However, within a couple of weeks my strength and fitness went through the roof!

I am now back to full health all organs are functioning correctly and regular blood tests are all coming back with improvements my diet has corrected the levels in both my red and white blood cells alone!

Without my Coach and this gym I do not know where I would be today, I was in a very bad place when I started and they were so patient and helpful with me especially with the inability to speak. Not only has Phil transformed my body he has completely transformed my mind and health and made me the person I am today! Phil has helped me overcome every obstacle put before him as my body is not like your normal clients due to its history including blood disorders and intolerance issues and without his knowledge and expertise I don’t know how I would have progressed elsewhere.

I love this gym as it has equipment no other I have been in and since joining, my body has transformed and I can push my limits in various different ways especially conditioning! I owe Phil and Rockpit everything and I cannot wait to progress this journey with them they really are like a family to me! Please don’t be fooled into thinking this is a purely bodybuilding gym, I was not in shape at all when I started and owe it all to them for where I am today!

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