Powerlifting at Rockpit

Rockpit Fitness Powerlifters

Posted on 3rd November 2014

Last weekend, four of Rockpit Fitness’ Powerlifters took part in the IPO Battle of the Boyne contest in Boyneside Strength and Performance, Drogheda.

Alan McMahon had a great day in the 100kg class, squatting 310kg, benching 262.5kg and deadlifting 285kg. This amounted to a 857.5kg total which is incredibly impressive considering the short time Alan has been training and competing in the sport!

Mike Gibson competed in the 110kg bench press only division, finishing up with new personal best of 290kg and a near miss with 300kg, a number which will hopefully be surpassed early next year! Mike also took best equipped bencher on the day and the trophy looks great in his living room.

Andy Cusick put up a top drawer performance in the 82.5kg class despite only signing up for the contest at short notice. His 930kg total comprised of a 360kg squat, a massive 280kg bench and 290kg deadlift. Andy is a very experienced competitor on the international scene and this contest should be a great springboard to bigger and better things next year!

Ben Loughrey turned a few heads with a 1,090kg total in the 125kg class, the 2nd highest total ever recorded North or South of the border in Ireland to date. This broke down into a 420kg squat, 310kg bench and a huge 360kg deadlift! When the dust settled Big Ben was declared the best equipped full power lifter on the day, narrowly beating Andy by a handful of points on coefficient! His prize was a sword which weighed more than most of the competitors in the event.

As it stands, Rockpit Fitness currently has the top two lifters in Irish history (Andy 1st, Ben 2nd) as well as an average bench press of 285kg between these four men. These numbers show that Rockpit has the equipment and the personnel to make you the strongest individual you can be. The guys will be back in the gym this week in preparation for next year’s busy calender so stop by and say hello and let them know if you are keen to get into powerlifting!

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