Protein Shake

Add Some Punch To Your Protein Shake

Posted on 25th November 2014

It’s not uncommon to hear gym goers complain about how their protein shake tastes horrible. I’ve even heard of people selling their tubs of protein simply because they don’t like the taste.

Well, it’s time to say goodbye to horrible tasting protein shakes. Below, I will show you how to create a scrumptious protein smoothie including a full list of macros and calories. For this shake, it is highly advisable to use a blender.


  • 1 Scoop of protein (vanilla, strawberry, raspberry if possible)
  • 50g of frozen summer fruits (tescos)
  • 3 Tablespoons of Fage fat free Greek yogurt
  • 1 banana
  • 200ml of orange juice(any type of juice)

Cut up the banana and place all of the ingredients into the blender at once.  Mix well until you get a nice, smooth consistency and BOOM!  There you have it – a great tasting protein smoothie not only does it taste better but it has improved the protein, carbs and calories of the shake.


  • Calories 371
  • Fat(g) 3.4
  • Carbs(g) 49.7
  • Protein(g) 32.8

For for this shake (and others), you can add more of each ingredient if you want more calories etc if you’re bulking. To increase the protein and fats add 100g of plain cottage cheese.  Yes – plain cottage cheese.  It may sound horrible but believe me – you wont even taste it.  If you’d like more carbs you can add more fruit of your choice or some oats.


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