New Year New You

Posted on 15th January 2015

So guys Christmas has came and went. We seen the new year in, and now we are probably seeing a little more body fat too! Did you over indulge? Well chances are you did, it’s time to kickstart your transformation of 2015, here are some tips to get you on the correct path.

 Now we’re mid January it’s time to hit the training and nutrition hard. Our aim should be to get in the gym three days, which is only three hours from our week.  Over 3 days we will hit each body part. This can be done in a few ways, one of the most common is a push, pull, leg split.

A push day will consist of all pushing movements such as, chest, triceps and shoulders etc. Pull will consist of back, biceps, abs and finally legs will be an overall workout on your legs. This method is great for people who can only get in the gym three days a week, or people who like to hit each body part twice a week as they can workout lagging body parts over the next few days.

It’s also recommended that you do cardio, whether you bulking or trying to lose a few pounds. Even on a bulk cardio is needed as it keeps fat gains to a minimum and is great for overall health. By cardio I don’t mean going for a 10mile run, only 15-20mins of steady paced walking is enough to get a sweat on and keep fat levels down.

It’s difficult after the christmas holidays to get back into a diet routine. Keep it simple have your 5-6 small meals throughout the day, each meal should have a healthy balance of carbs, fats and protein. These 5-6 small meals will keep you from needing snacks and cheating on your diet, it also keeping your metabolism burning throughout the day and finally drink lots of water, minimal of 2litres a day. Water is the transportation for all the nutrients in your body, which helps feed and repair your muscles after an intense workout.

 This is your year, give yourself the transformation you’ve always wanted!

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