Dr. Steffi Warnock – The Rockpit Chiropactor

Posted on 7th August 2014

I have always been interested in learning about how the body works and how I can help people to function at their optimum. Being a Chiropractor means I can assess people and diagnose their injuries; then work with them to help recovery. Chiropractors treat a variety of complaints not just back pain. We can help with recent and old injuries. A few examples include sprains and strains, disc problems, knee pain, shoulder injuries, tennis and golfers elbow.

Health, fitness and training is extremely important to me and is my passion, not just my hobby. I joined Rockpit a year ago and have loved every minute of training & working in Northern Ireland’s number one gym. One of my main focuses as a Chiropractor is the importance of correct, specific, rehabilitation training for injury prevention and strengthening a weakened area. Here at Rockpit it gives all my clients the ability to facilitate this rehab process in the gym, as well as seeing myself. This opportunity is seldom found in a gym, which is why Rockpit Fitness is ahead of the
competition and always puts the needs of it’s members first.

Dr. Steffi Warnock

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